Antenna Evening at Lily Hill Park
Following a Group WhatsApp discussion about getting out and about with our radios, we decided to have an impromptu meet-up at Lily Hill Park for an evenings radio. Wednesdy 7th Aug coincided with our Weekly VHF Simplex Net on 145.375MHz so we also planned to join the Net /Portable.
An interesting range of antennas, mostly homemade were set-up. These included Ray 2E0RWJ’s 4m CFR & 2m SlimJim antennas monuted on a 5m Pole.
Colin M0XCA also had a homemade 2m SlimJim and for HF a Super Antenna MP1DX Vertical with adjustable loading coil. Gareth M7GRB brought his Ryobi Battery Pack and very compact Inverter that was used to power both a Xiegu X6100 and Yaesu FT817, which it did with ease.
Dave G3YMC used The x6100 and a small 3D Printed CW Dual Paddle and made contact with EA6EJ on 20m with the x6100 running 5w connected to a G5RV-Half Dipole suspeneded in the trees. Gareth also had an X6100, but running an alternate software that included GPS and Built-In FT8 reception and decoding. Aaron 2E0TLO tried some SSB CQ calls on 40m but the band was very busy due to some great conditions over Europe.
Paul G4HLF setup his Yaesu FT817 running on Gareth’s power supply and connected the radio to his ZM-2 Manual ATU feeding an End-Fed Wire on a vertical pole.
Everyone at Lily Hill Park also joined the Club’s 2m Net on 145.375MHz FM from 8pm. Thanks to Martin 2E0XBZ, Brett 2E0HFW, Steven G4WBI, Roy M0WTP, Richard G3ZWP & Steve G4AUC for all helping us with overs and radio reports. Apologies if I have missed anyone.
Our Next field trip will most likely be to Longhill Park in Bracknell within a few Weeks.