Club Net

Bracknell Amateur Radio Club holds two Weekly Radio ‘Nets’.

  • A Wednesday evening Club Net on 145.375MHz FM. Starting at 8pm.
  • A Sunday afternoon Club Net via GB3BN starting at 5pm.
Wednesday Net

Every Wednesday evening (Except club meetings on the 2nd Wednesday each month) there is a net on the ‘club frequency’ of 145.375 MHz (FM). Please feel free to call in and join in the chat, even if you aren’t a member.  All welcome.

If you use DMR, there is also an informal net on TG23529 on the Brandmeister network at 7:45pm.


  • 7:45pm   DMR TG23529 (Brandmeister) ,    
  • 8:00pm  Wednesday Club Net 145.375 MHz FM
Thursday Lunchtime Net

If you are available during daytimes, please join us for an informal lunchtime Net each Thursday on the 4-Metre (70 MHz) Band on 70.475 MHz (FM) at 12-noon each week.


  • 12 noon Thursday lunchtime Net 70.475 MHz FM
Sunday Net

During this time while most of us remain self-isolated, but others continue to work, many with additional hours, BARC thought it would be good to hold an additional weekly Club Net each Sunday. It is hoped that this will allow members not able to join us on Wednesdays to keep in touch.

Our Sunday Net is be held on the local GB3BN UHF Repeater. GB3BN’s coverage extends to a large area across our region and will allow those with low power hand-helds or those beyond our simplex 145.375MHz Net to join in. GB3BN is also accessible via Echolink, enabling some of our Country Members to take part in the Net.

GB3BN Repeater Tower
GB3BNTx: 433.000 MHz (FM)CTCSS 118.8 Hz
Rx: 434.600 MHz (FM)CTCSS 118.8 Hz

BARC would like to thank the GB3BN repeater keeper Baz (Andrew Barrett G8DOR) for permission to use this fantastic local facility for our Sunday Club Net.  It will be good to hear as a many members as possible on this additional Net.

Schedule: 5:00pm Every Sunday via GB3BN