Using Web-based SDRs – Martin 2E0XBZ
There are now many internet sites around the world offering connection to Web connected Software defined Radio Receivers (WebSDRs). Martin 2E0XBZ has been using a number of these sites and offered to give us a presentation on their availabilty and the services and features they have to offer.

Martin explained that WebSDRs can be a really helpful resource for those of us living with high local noise levels, allowing us to hear stations that although we can reach with our tranmission, are unable to pick out their audio from the noise (QRN/QRM).
WebSDRs offer reception of a wide range of bands, from top-band to UHF and SHF and also support a large range of modes available to the amateur, such as AM, FM, USB, DMR, D-STAR, YSF, M17 and many more. Although all similar in layout, the interfaces vary slightly, so Martin demonstrated a few of these live, showing us the controls and useful features such as audio recording and selecting preset channels and stations.

Using live demos, Martin ran us through the use of some of the WebSDRs he has found the most useful, many in low noise locations and also some more local that have proved useful during our range of radio NETs.
Martin has kindly allowed us to include a copy of his slides for viewing and download HERE
Thank you to Martin for giving us another interesting and useful presentation and also to all our members that helped us tidy the hall at the end of the meeting.
Our next meeting will be held on Weds 23rd October 2024 at 8pm.