Club Members Honored at AGM
Our Annual General Meeting for 2025 wes held on Wednesday 22nd January in place of our regular club meeting. The event was very well attended by established and more recent members giving all the chance select the Club committee for the next 12 months and to contribute to our plans and activities for the year ahead.
Our chairman, Steve Baugh G4AUC was standing down at the AGM, having joined the Club in 1973 and holding the Chairmanship on severeal oocasions. Steve was thanked for his long and dedicated service to the club, being presented with our highest award, Honorary Membership. Steve is of course remaining a crucial member of the club.

Our AGM each year also provides the Committee with an opportunity to award a member of the club that has shown help, support, motivation and input to the club over the past 12 months. The Dave Sugden (SK) Award was presented this year to Gareth Blades M7GRB for his commitment and support of the club, presenting at club meetings, providing skilled help and support to club members, managing group purchases and assisting with our new Construction Club.

Congratulations to both Steve and Gareth on your much deserved awards.
To view previous Dave Sugden Award reciepients please click HERE