DXpedition Support
The club has supported a number of DXpenditions in the past and continues to do so.
2007 DXpedition to St Brandon Island 3B7C
The clubs supported the DXpedition from the 5 Star Dxers Association which took place in
September 2007 on the Indian Ocean island of St. Brandon with the call 3B7C. Although it was tough going in the current HF conditions a few of our members were lucky to have QSOs on several bands. Don G3XTT told us all about this dxpedition
at our March 2008 meeting. Visit the DXpedition website for further details
The Bracknell club was sponsor for this major DXpedition to Rodrigues island in the
Indian Ocean. This was a major operation and was active from March 19th to April 12th
2004. There were awards for contacting the station on as many HF bands as possible –
quite a few club members were heard in the pileups. 3B9C made over 150,000 QSOs in
three weeks operation.