HF Miscellany – Dave G3YMC
Dave G3YMC kindly volunteered to offer our members not one, but three presentations for our April meeting, stepping in at very short notice too. Dave updated us on some of the projects he is currently undertaking:
- The QRP Labs QDX Digital Transceiver
- UK CW Table and Club Log
- 6m Dipole Installation
Having read a recent review of the QRP Labs 5-Band HF QRP Digital Transceiver, Dave had decided to order a full kit build version and await delivery. Arriving more quickly than expected, Dave has started the construction and passed around one of the part completed boards, demonstrating some very small but well made solder connections and component mounting.
The UK CW Table is something that was set up many years ago by John G3WGV, the objective being to compete on HF DXCCs worked on the HF bands. Dave also discussed the use of Club Log and the automated creation of the CW Table from the logged entries.
In preparation for the 2023 Sporadic-E season Dave has purchased a Dipole for use on 6m. The dipole has been tuned and the elements tightened into place, so as soon as the weather allows the antenna will be mounted horizontally to an existing pole at the back of his house.
Thanks again to Dave G3YMC for stepping-in so quickly for us.
A copy of Dave’s slides in .PDF format can be download HERE