Building and Setting-up a Shack – Martin 2E0XBZ & Gareth M7GRB
Bracknell Amateur Radio Club Members, Martin 2E0XBZ and Gareth M7GRB have both recently built and set-up external ‘Shacks’ for their hobby. Their shacks are very different from each others, Martin’s serving as a Radio Shack for operating his beautifully restored and home built valve radios. Gareth’s serving as a Radio Shack but, also as a comprehensively equipped workshop, with all the safeguards necessary to ensure a safe, comfortable and electrically protected environment in which to work.
Martin 2E0XBZ purchased a Plastic Shed within which he then constructed a very solid interior frame and insulated structure to house the relatively heavy valve and ex-military equipment, power supplies and test equipment. Gareth M7GRB had a heavy wooden workshop installed, to which he added isolated mains, local earth, electrical distribution box with dual line breakers, heating and air-conditioning.
Both Martin & Gareth then guided us through the build, configuration and set-up of their shacks with some great advice on how to ensure your shack is strong, suited to your needs and most importantly a safe environment to operate RF and handle electrical equipment.
The joint presentation was enjoyed by all attending our April meeting and Martin and Gareth have given us permission to include their slides for viewing and download below.
- Setting-up a Shack – Part 1
- Setting-up a Shack – Part 2
Re-using Equipment Chassis & Cabinets – Martin 2E0XBZ
Following a short break for tea and coffee, Martin 2E0XBZ also gave us a short presentation on how he has made use of and renovated equipment chassis’ and Cabinets to build his own equipment.
Martin has renovated a number of radios, receivers, power supplies and test equipment previously and always to the same high standard of workmanship.
The slides for Martin’s presentation and available for viewing and download below.
Thank you to both Martin and Gareth for a really interesting evening and for the useful tips gained from their experience of building their shacks.