DX-ing and Contesting from a small garden by Mike G4DDL
One of the most common limitations facing Radio Amateurs these days is that of restricted outdoor and garden space in which to raise an optimal antenna. When space is available it is often be surrounded by other buildings, hedges and trees.
For our August meeting, long standing BARC Member Mike Pemberton (G4DDL) kindly offered to share his observations, experience and advice on successfully DX-ing and reaching the top of the tables when contesting, when using even the most modest antennas.
The meeting attracted one of our largest attendances this year, confirming the interest of the subject with many of our members.

Mike G4DDL has also kindly allowed us to include a copy of his presentation slides, which are available for download in .PDF format HERE.
Thank you Mike G4DDL for an enjoyable, interesting and helpful evening.