Summer BBQ 2022
Our summer BBQs are always popular and well attended events. This year was no exception and hosted by Martin 2E0XBZ and his wife Shirley who set-up their lovely garden with a canopy, operating area, swaps table and a BBQ, they even supplied some beautiful weather for our summer evening event.
The evening was a chance for club members to get together for a social evening together with their partners and families who usually have to listen to our radio QSOs and conversations about radios and antennas. Martin had prepared so much food that most of us had more than one serving and the desserts, brought along by members were delicious too.
Martin 2E0XBZ had kindly set-up an operating area where members could operate his fully restored K.W. Vanguard on 80m AM and Yaesu 991a on HF and 2m. Members really enjoyed operating the Vanguard which looks fantastic when illuminated and is a pleasure to use. Many contacts were made and receive was made via the Weston-Super-Mare Web SDR which was also receiving a strong signal from the Vanguard.
The 80m Contest started at 20:00 BST, so David M0XDF and Steve G4AUC entered via the G4BRA/A club callsign using the Yaesu 991a. In just 45mins David and Steve made 26 log entries with all contacts being strong and clear via Martin’s long wire antenna.
Thank you again to Martin and Shirley for hosting a fantastic evening. You can watch a short video of the evening below.