
May ‘Virtual’ Monthly Meeting

For our May Monthly Meeting, to help maintain our meetings while in lockdown, we held a Video Meeting via Zoom.

It was good to see so many members joining in, including long-standing members, country members and new License holders having passed their foundation Exam just a week ago.

The benefit of a video meeting is that we get to see into each others shacks and the projects that members are currently working on. Steve G4AUC ran us through some of the projects he has recently completed and some still in progress, these included:

  • Circular Polarised Antenna
  • GPS Reciever
  • CW Morse Assistor – Decoder / Encoder / Keyer
  • 3D Printing of Face Masks for NHS and Care Workers (Now over 100 printed).

Mike K4KFK showed us where MB7IBK our Analogue / Digital Gateway is installed and there was a discussion about the current CW ID Beacon and whether this could be configured not to use CTCSS for the Analogue ID TX.

David M0XDF showed us a Remote Sensor DIsplay for his Elecraft that will allow the power reading at the antenna to be monitored remotely.

There was also a fantastic collection of Morse Keys and Paddles on display with some lovely VibroFlex examples.

We actually ran out of time, so had to reconnect, but this worked in our favour as the new Zoom link performed much better than the initial link.

Thank you to everyone that was able to join in. If the restriction on group gatherings continues into next month, we will plan another Virtual Meeting for our June Meeting.