Smith Charts for Beginners – Neil G0SVN
It was a bitter, wet and dark evening outside for the evening of our March monthly meeting, so it was especially good that so many members were able to join us. Our topic was ‘Smith Charts for Beginners’, something that many of our members were interested in knowing more about and presented by guest speaker, Neil Savin, G0SVN, from the Maidenhead and District Amateur Radio Club.

Neil itroduced us to the Smith Chart and it’s origins and then via some great examples demonstrated why and how to use them. Using the chart for a given measurement and applying some calculator mathmatics it is possible to tune an Antenna or RF Network via capacitive and inductive adjustments. Neil also introduced us to the Admittance Smith Chart which is particularly useful when calculating parallel impedance adjustments.

Neil has also kindly volunteered to give Bracknell ARC Members a further presentation on Digital Radio Modiale for our June meeting.
On behalf of all the members of BARC I would like to thank Neil for venturing out on such a cold and wet evening and for all his work in preparing and giving us such an informative and useful presentation.