Dave Sugden Memorial Trophy 2021
The Dave Sugden Memorial Trophy is awarded annually at the discretion of the committee to the member of the Bracknell Amateur Radio Club who has contributed in the most signficant way to club activities or amateur radio in general.
Dave Sugden G4CGS was a former member of the club and the trophy is in commemoration of his life.
This year, during the 2021 AGM, the trophy was awarded to Martin Stead, 2E0XBZ for his involvement and assistance in the Intermediate Exam Practical preparation, individual help to many club members, the highest rate of BARC Radio Net attendance and his considerable work in classic radio construction.
On behalf of our Committee and Members I would like offer Martin our congratulations on his well deserved award.
Further information and a list of past winners of the award can be found on the BARC Website here: https://g4bra.org.uk/dave-sugden-memorial-trophy/